Once upon a time, in a far far away world, on the Azeroth land, ruled by magic and strength Xvastica and Moonsind ( and it seams some other strange chars which will not be revealed in this chapter ) decided to create their own Guild. And by that times, Moonsind was just solving for the Legend of Stalvan chain Quest from the darken territory if Duskwood .
Being caught between alts and main, he had to postpone the Stalvan Quest. When he got back to it, it seams Xvastica /w to him : “Stalvan is Alive” … so that was their story .
Unfortunately some time they decide that the guild is not their guild, but it’s Moonsind’s or Xvastica’s Guild. Don’t worry even if they “leave” the guild for about 10 min …. :)) , they will be back ! Why ? Because they are best friends in real life but they have very obstinate personalities !
How do I know all this ? Lucky me …or unfortunately, I’m a common friend and also the webmaster and “The Warlock”. Yeah I know I’m the youngest child of this Guild, but this is it !
Enjoy Moonsind&Xvastica’s Guild !
PS : Based on Braveheart and War3 World … everybody lives, not everybody really dies ! Stalvan is alive , isn’t he ? Seek it in Duskwood if you don’t believe me !